Malachi from Texas

from Texas
- Age 13
- Gender Male
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity African American
- Case Number 90049
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Malachi is an outgoing, energetic and friendly boy. He can be shy when meeting new people but will begin to open up as he becomes more familiar and comfortable with you. Malachi is determined to do academically well and enjoys going to school to learn new things. He loves spending time outdoors, going to the park, riding bikes, going to church, watching movies, swimming, and likes to go fishing. Malachi enjoys spending time with his friends, playing video games, and going out with peers. He wants school, and some of his favorite subjects include art, science, and math. He is interested in learning new hobbies, like building model cars and trains. Malachi likes to be well-dressed and is an avid shoe collector. He is open to new experiences and makes friends easily!
Malachi's forever family will provide a stable home life full of structure, support, nurturing and patience but most of all love. He enjoys attending church and needs a home who is open and encouraging of his faith or exploring other faiths. Malachi will do best with an active two-parent family who will keep him involved in extracurricular activities. He desires to have siblings and stated he would enjoy a big sister. His forever family will encourage him to have contact with appropriate biological family members. He will thrive in a family who provides him a safe place to express himself and continue to help him reach his goals.