Messiah from Texas

from Texas
- Age 9
- Gender Male
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity Hispanic
- Case Number 99707
- Inquire about this child
- Favorite this child
Messiah has the sweetest smile. He is a combination of an introvert and an extravert. He is active, likes to keep busy and enjoys working with his hands. Messiah's hobbies include collecting items and drawing. His favorite past time is building with Legos. He loves Sonic the Hedgehog and can talk about the superhero for hours. He also enjoys Pok?mon. Messiah is an advocate for himself. He tries to make friends wherever he goes, and he cherishes friendships. He likes animals and is good at helping care for the family animals. Messiah likes sports and would like to continue to develop his athletic skills. He likes to swim and won't let you forget that he needs his floaties to swim. Like many children, he loves cheeseburgers and pizza. Messiah has a big heart and takes into consideration others' feelings.
Messiah will do best in a two-parent home. Messiah's forever family will be patient, resourceful and able meet his needs. Messiah's family will be committed to loving him as their own and be gentle in teaching him appropriate ways to cope with his big feelings. He would be successful in a home that supports his needs and ideas. He enjoys zoom visits with his siblings.