Minerva from Texas

from Texas
- Age 17
- Gender Female
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity Hispanic
- Case Number 107893
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Minerva is a hardworking, creative, and friendly young lady. She is fashionable and enjoys getting her hair, make up, and nails done. She is goal oriented and wishes to go to college. Minerva enjoys working and making money. She is a strong advocate for herself and will voice her wants and needs. Minerva is working on completing her driver's education course and is trying to save money for a car. She is very independent yet still wants support and guidance. Minerva likes travelling and spending time outdoors. Minerva is easy going and can get along well with others. She is inquisitive and enjoys learning new things. When she sets her mind on achieving a goal, Minerva sees it through. In her free time, she likes to play volleyball and basketball as well as give back to her community.
Minerva's forever family will be one that is goal oriented and nurtures independence. A family that enjoys traveling and spend time outdoors. Minerva could be a big sister or have siblings her age.