Nethanel from Texas

from Texas
- Age 13
- Gender Male
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity Hispanic
- Case Number 109863
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Nethanel is a unique and dynamic individual who blends introverted and extroverted traits. He thrives in the company of those he knows well, allowing his personality to truly shine in familiar settings. A dedicated football enthusiast, Nethanel passionately supports the UTSA Roadrunners as his favorite college team. His enthusiasm for sports extends beyond football, as he finds joy and excitement in all athletic activities. Nethanel is highly motivated and enjoys keeping himself engaged with a variety of interests and hobbies. He is well-regarded for his positive attitude, active participation, and dedication to the activities he takes on. In his free time, he delights in playing video games and spending quality time with his close-knit circle of friends, fostering meaningful and lasting connections. In addition to his recreational interests, Nethanel places great value on his spiritual life. Attending church services provides him with a sense of peace and strength, reflecting his deep appreciation for personal growth and connection. With his optimistic outlook and wide array of passions, Nethanel is well-poised to achieve his goals, including his aspiration to attend college and pursue a bright and fulfilling future.
Nethanel would do well in a family where he is the youngest child. He'd also do well with a family who is ready to guide him into being a young adult. Nethanel likes to get out and do things outside of the home so an active family would benefit him.