Olivia from Texas

from Texas
- Age 16
- Gender Female
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity NA
- Case Number 92357
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Olivia is a caring and soulful young lady! She has big dreams, and she isn't going to let anything hold her back from achieving them. Olivia is an absolute animal lover, and she cannot get enough of them. She has such a big heart for animals that no animal is less than in her book. This has her thinking big and one day she feels that her dream of attending to animals will have her pursuing a career as a zookeeper or working on a wildlife preserve. Olivia is also an avid reader, and she loves books from an animal's perspective. She also is branching out into different genres and is learning to love the diversity that comes with exploring new worlds. Olivia loves being in nature but is also a talented artist. Drawing is therapeutic for her, and she uses this to keep her centered. Through her drawings she is toying with the idea of a potential future in animation. She likes the idea of putting her work into motion for others to enjoy as well. She is exploring the world of animation through Mangas. She loves music and television as well and both bring her absolute joy. She especially enjoys watching her favorite novels on Netflix.
Olivia's forever family will be an active family who doesn't mind the outdoors. She would prefer to be a part of a smaller sibling group if possible. Her family will provide her with boundaries and patience. She will thrive in a home with pets and where the family communicates clearly and often. She would love a family that is very affectionate and can reassure her that she is loved and belongs in their family.