Perja from Texas

from Texas
- Age 16
- Gender Female
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity African American
- Case Number 88286
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Perja is a passionate young girl who loves to sing, dance, and play music. When she grows up, she aspires to become a sign language interpreter. She is also a social butterfly who enjoys spending time with others, especially peers who share her interests. While she is a quiet and soft-spoken young girl, she is not shy and is able to express herself effectively. She is highly intelligent. She is doing well academically and finds music and science to be her favorite subjects. Perja is interested in being a sign language interpreter when she grows up. Perja deeply loves music and enjoys singing and listening to songs. You'll often find her dancing and singing along. Perja is energetic and loves to stay active. She forms strong bonds with her peers and adults.
Perja will do well in a single or two-parent home with parents. She will need to be in a well-structured environment that offers consistency with rules and a positive daily routine. The ideal family will be a positive strength for Perja, supporting her goals and dreams and offering her opportunities to participate in school activities and be part of her community. Perja values family time and enjoys playing board games.