Princeston from Texas

from Texas
- Age 8
- Gender Male
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity African American
- Case Number 91784
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Princeston has a beaming smile and a heart full of warmth. Outgoing and energetic, he loves to play with other children, spending time outdoors, whether he's playing kickball, or enjoying long walks in the park. Music and stuffed animals bring him joy, and he treasures a good head rub from his caregivers. School is a favorite of his, especially the daily bus rides that make him particularly happy. Though Princeston is non-verbal, he effectively communicates his needs in his own unique way. He thrives on attention from his caregivers and enjoys interacting with peers his age. Interactive play and mimicking sounds and behaviors are key to his learning process. In his leisure time, Princeston delights in playing outside, watching cartoons, and listening to child-friendly books. He finds comfort in carrying his blanket or a stuffed animal. His favorite superhero is Spider-Man, and he brings immense joy to those around him. Princeston is a wonderful child who will be a great addition to a loving and supportive family.
Princeston's forever family will be warm and nurturing, offering him the love, attention, and affection he needs. They will be patient and open to introducing him to new experiences while respecting and preserving his cultural background. A structured, loving family that maintains consistent routines will be especially beneficial for him. Additionally, his family should have some medical knowledge. Princeston does well with other children and is flexible about whether he is the youngest or oldest.