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Princeston from Texas



from Texas

Princeston has a big smile and a huge heart. He loves to spend time outside and likes to play kickball and run as fast as he can. He likes music and stuffed animals and appreciates a good head rub from his caregivers. He enjoys going to school and making new friends. He is especially happy to ride the school bus everyday. He is non-verbal, but is able to tell you what he needs in his own way. He is a happy child who loves to receive attention from his caregivers and play and interact with youth his age. Princeston learns through interactive play and mimicking sounds and behavior. In his spare time, he enjoys long walks in the park, playing outdoors and watching cartoons. He responds well to routines and structure. He also likes to carry his blanket or stuffed animal with him for comfort. He is outgoing and likes to play outdoors as much as he can. He likes to listen to child friendly books and watch television. His favorite superhero is Spider-Man. He is a joy to be around and loves to be around the other children so he can run and play with them. He is an amazing kid who needs an amazing family.

Princeston's forever family will be nurturing and provide him with attention, love, and affection. His family will be willing to be patient and can introduce the child to new things while still preserving his culture. A structured loving family who is consistent with routines is beneficial. Princeton's family will have medical knowledge and be able to care for his Gtube. He can be placed with other children who are already residing in the home. He has no preference if the child is the youngest or the oldest in the home.

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