Raul from Texas

from Texas
- Age 5
- Gender Male
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity Hispanic
- Case Number 109007
- My Siblings Ramiro
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Raul can appear shy and always has a smile on his face. Raul is playful child who enjoys toy cars, trucks, and blocks. Raul is normally smiling or laughing and rarely gets upset. Raul participates in holidays and birthday parties and likes to be around others who are happy. Raul is not a picky eater, he eats all types of foods, but his favorite is chicken nuggets. Raul is adventurous and curious about the world around him. Raul likes being outdoors where he can play in the back yard with balls, a playscape, and Hot Wheels cars. Raul will look around and observe things going on around him. Raul likes to listen to music and watch TV. Raul's favorite show to watch is Cocomelon. Raul enjoys exploring and playing outdoors in the playground. Raul prefers to play by himself but also enjoys having the company of others. He finds solace in the quiet of his room before bedtime. Raul is playful, happily joining in games with people of all ages, including video games and outdoor sports.
Raul and Ramiro dedicate much of their time to exploring and learning new activities at school, in the park, or while interacting with others. They take pleasure in participating in events such as carnivals, playing video games, and celebrating holidays. The boys enjoy constructing things with Legos or blocks and then navigating through their creations with remote-controlled cars. Raul playfully energetic, while his brother Ramiro maintains a relaxed demeanor. They seek each other out for comfort and reassurance in their daily lives. Being close in age, they share a strong bond, with Ramiro often following Raul's lead. Ramiro is rarely upset and relishes his naps and meals. Raul is energetic and it is helpful to prepare him with tranquil music bedtime. He prefers engaging with a computer or tablet during Ramiro's nap times and respects his brother's need for rest. The brothers share a strong bond and cherish their time together.
Raul longs for a nurturing and protective family. He is affectionate and enjoys giving big hugs. Raul cherishes spending quality time both indoors and outdoors with his parents. He seeks to feel secure and confident in his life. Raul needs parents who can offer him love and patience when he feels sad. Raul wishes for a family that delights in park visits, playing with a ball, or kite flying. He yearns for parents who can provide reassurance through hugs and kisses. Raul desires a family that possesses a deep understanding of children and an abundance of patience as he learns new skills.