Rey from Texas

from Texas
- Age 14
- Gender Male
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity Hispanic
- Case Number 83884
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Rey is an affectionate, sweet, energetic, and loving young boy. Rey is a child that would prefer playing outdoors rather than staying indoors playing with electronics or video games. He enjoys running around outside, swimming, and playing on playgrounds. Rey enjoys playing on seesaws, merry-go-rounds, swing sets, slides, jungles gyms, chin-up bars, sandboxes, spring riders, trapeze rings, playhouses, and mazes. During the summertime, Rey is particularly fond of playing at the water park as he enjoys cooling off and playing in the water with other children. Rey also enjoys exploring his surroundings as evident by his outgoing nature and his inquisitive interacting with those surroundings. He is fascinated with leaves and flowers. Rey always laughs and smiles whenever he is enjoying his time outdoors or playing with another child.
Rey's forever family will be one that is open minded, patient, loving, considerate, and willing to assist in Rey's emotional, cognitive, and physical development. His family needs to be willing to educate themselves on community resources, support groups, outreach programs, and any other beneficial resource that will assist in raising, caring, and giving Rey the best family life experience. Rey would also benefit from a family that has support from their family and have a willingness to accept, love, care, and understand Rey, his needs, and the most effective methods of raising and interacting with Rey. Rey's family would benefit from having experience in parenting and/or fostering children as it would give them a better insight and understanding of what Rey will need in order to continue to grow and develop in a healthy manner. Rey's family would need to be active as Rey enjoys playing outdoors and staying active.