


Age: 45

Ethnicity: White

Religion: Christian


Age: 45

Ethnicity: White, Other

Religion: Christian

Preferences for a child

Age: Newborn to 1 year of age

Gender: Either

Race/Ethnicity: All

Special Needs: Open to discussion

Basic Info

Age: 45

Ethnicity: White

Religion: Christian


Age: 45

Ethnicity: White, Other

Religion: Christian

Work & Education

Education: Graduate - MSN

Profession: Nurse Practitioner


Education: College

Profession: Accountant

Post-Adoption Relationship

Open (Open to contact, phone calls, in person visits before adoption. Sharing photos and letters after placement. Visits at neutral location after adoption, etc.). If you want a more closed adoption, we would honor that request as well.

Semi Open (open to an in-person visit before adoption placement, phone, email, sharing pic/letters after placement

Closed (no contact after placement)


Country: USA

State: Texas

Parent Relationship: Married

Parent Neighborhood: Urban

Parent Years Together: 5 to 10 years

Parent Residency: House

Parent Pets: Dog and cat

Children At Home: Biological children

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual parents

Preferences for a child

Age: Newborn to 1 year of age

Gender: Either

Multiple Children: All

Race/Ethnicity: All

Special Needs: Open to discussion

Certification Adoption.Org Logo

Gladney Center for Adoption verified this family completed an adoption homestudy including: background checks, character references, official interviews, required training, home inspection, financial review, etc. and are approved for adoption.


Family Fun
Fun with our dog Chewie
Fun with our dog Chewie
Adopting Chewie
Adopting Chewie
Fun in Miami
Fun in Miami
White water rafting in Colorado
White water rafting in Colorado
Owen learning to surf in Hawaii
Owen learning to surf in Hawaii
Michael and Owen taking a break from hiking to soak in the mountain beauty.
Michael and Owen taking a break from hiking to soak in the mountain be...
Fly fishing in Rocky Mountain National Park
Fly fishing in Rocky Mountain National Park
Winter Park ski trip
Winter Park ski trip
Owen dressed up for my parent's 50th wedding anniversary.
Owen dressed up for my parent's 50th wedding anniversary.
Owen rock climbing
Owen rock climbing
Michael and I at a charity golf tournament.
Michael and I at a charity golf tournament.
Our happy home with our fur babies.
Our happy home with our fur babies.
Owen making sushi.
Owen making sushi.
Michael and his love for mountain biking.
Michael and his love for mountain biking.
Me and my mom at the Nutcracker Ballet
Me and my mom at the Nutcracker Ballet
Our Love
Our amazing wedding day
Our amazing wedding day
Just got engaged in a gorgeous church in Croatia.
Just got engaged in a gorgeous church in Croatia.
Happy and in love in Hawaii on our honeymoon.
Happy and in love in Hawaii on our honeymoon.
Fun in NYC
Fun in NYC
Michael’s 40th birthday in Croatia
Michael’s 40th birthday in Croatia
Fun in Florida
Boating with friends
Boating with friends
Fun in the sun in Florida with friends
Fun in the sun in Florida with friends
Brazilian steakhouse dinner in Florida
Brazilian steakhouse dinner in Florida
Pool day with our best friends
Pool day with our best friends
Amazing stone crab family dinner in Florida.
Amazing stone crab family dinner in Florida.
Boating with friends
Boating with friends
Adoption Book Photos
Douro Valley
Douro Valley
Pena Palace
Pena Palace
Christmas 2024
Fly fishing
Fly fishing
Fly fishing with our pup Chewie
Fly fishing with our pup Chewie
Family on Christmas Eve
Family on Christmas Eve
Mimi (my mom)
Mimi (my mom)
Michael preparing the meat for dinner.
Michael preparing the meat for dinner.
Our sweet animals on Christmas morning
Our sweet animals on Christmas morning
Christmas morning
Christmas morning
Michael with his new fly fishing net
Michael with his new fly fishing net
Christmas pjs on Christmas morning
Christmas pjs on Christmas morning
Christmas gifts for the nursery/baby.
Christmas gifts for the nursery/baby.
Me and mom (Mimi)
Me and mom (Mimi)
Fun date night and live music
Fun date night and live music
Fun at our friend’s daughter’s bat mitzvah
Fun at our friend’s daughter’s bat mitzvah
Celebrating our friend’s birthday
Celebrating our friend’s birthday
Best friend Rachelle
Best friend Rachelle
Lebanese Picnic
Family traditions at the annual Lebanese picnic with Michael’s family eating the wonderful Lebanese family recipes
Family traditions at the annual Lebanese picnic with Michael’s family...


Nursery Update
Sneak peek of the nursery that is gender neutral for now.


Owen was a part of the ceremony with us since we felt it was important to include him. We not only said our vows to each other, but Michael also said vows to Owen. It was an amazing day and we are so proud of the family we created.
Our Story

We want you to know that our hearts are with you during this process and we understand that this must be a hard time for you filled with many emotions.

Dear Expectant Parents,
We want to thank you for taking the time to get to know us. Our names are Michael and Shannon. We have an amazing teenage son named Owen, but we have been wanting to grow our family for many years now. I, Shannon, was adopted from Edna Gladney as an infant to a wonderful and nurturing family making adoption an option we have always been interested in exploring. After years of unsuccessful fertility treatments, we decided that adoption was the best option to grow our family. The moment we stepped out of the Gladney orientation, we were both filled with emotions and tears of joy to finally know that we were making the right choice for our family to adopt through Gladney. We want you to know that our hearts are with you during this process and we understand that...

Dear Expectant Parents,
We want to thank you for taking the time to get to know us. Our names are Michael and Shannon. We have an amazing teenage son named Owen, but we have been wanting to grow our family for many years now. I, Shannon, was adopted from Edna Gladney as an infant to a wonderful and nurturing family making adoption an option we have always been interested in exploring. After years of unsuccessful fertility treatments, we decided that adoption was the best option to grow our family. The moment we stepped out of the Gladney orientation, we were both filled with emotions and tears of joy to finally know that we were making the right choice for our family to adopt through Gladney. We want you to know that our hearts are with you during this process and we understand that this must be a hard time for you filled with many emotions. We hope that maybe getting to know us a little better might make you feel more comfortable, if in fact you decide to choose adoption as the plan for your child. If selected as adoptive parents, we promise to open our hearts and home to raise the child in a nurturing and loving environment. We know that you want the best life possible for your child, and we value your courage to consider adoption as a possible plan. No matter what decision you choose, we wish you the very best and hope you have a life filled with love and happiness.

With love,
Shannon, Michael, and Owen

We met through a mutual friend who had been trying to introduce us for years, but we didn’t get formally introduced until 2018. Once we started talking on the phone, we found we had so much in common emotionally, spiritually, and with regards to the activities we both like to do. We are both very adventurous people and we quickly found that we both share a love for travel, cooking, playing tennis, hiking, skiing, the arts, music, all things outdoors, and family. We found we both shared the desire to have more children in the future. We started dating and quickly fell in love with each other.

I, Shannon, have a son from a previous marriage named Owen. There was an immediate connection between Michael and Owen from the very beginning, which has grown to become an amazing relationship. After many months of dating, Michael asked Owen’s permission for us to get married since he felt it was important for it to be a family decision. We embarked on an amazing trip to Croatia and got engaged in Dubrovnik, Croatia in a beautiful chapel that shared the same name as the church his grandmother attended.

We got married at a beautiful Texas Hill Country venue outdoors in front of our family and closest friends. Owen was a part of the ceremony with us since we felt it was important to include him. We not only said our vows to each other, but Michael also said vows to Owen. It was an amazing day and we are so proud of the family we created.

We have been trying to grow our family since we got married, but after years of numerous failed fertility treatments, we felt it was time to consider other options. Our hearts are open and we are so excited to now be on this adoption journey.

Meet Us

Michael is an amazing husband, father to Owen, best friend, and my partner in life.

Shannon is very empathetic, a loving mother and wife, and she always shows resilience in both times of joy and heartache.
Meet Michael
Michael has an amazing, loving family comprised of his sister, brother, and parents, all of which have been very supportive throughout this process. In addition to being very close with his family, he has a group of friends from childhood with which he remains very close. Michael is an amazing husband, father to Owen, best friend, and my partner in life. He is an empathetic person and truly cares about all of the people in his life. Michael came into Owen's life when he was 10 years old and has always treated Owen as his own son. He is a very calm presence in our life who can be silly at times as well as spiritual, philosophical, and introspective. He is driven in both his personal and professional life and is able to overcome any obstacle that arises. He is a successful entrepreneur working as an accountant helping small businesses, non-profits, and community members with their financial needs. I would describe Michael as a lover of life. He loves to travel, mountain bike, fly fish, play golf, hike, play tennis, play music, spend time with family and friends, and attend live music events. I know that Michael will be an amazing role model and father to our adopted child just like he already is with Owen. He truly makes both me and Owen feel loved and supported at all times.

Meet Shannon
Shannon is the strongest and most caring mother, daughter, wife, and health care provider that I have ever met. It didn’t take me long to fall in love with her. She would say she loves being a mother to Owen, and feels it's one of her greatest accomplishments. Her love and support for her family, friends, and community make Shannon the emotional heart and center of our family. I am so fortunate to be able to share with her our love for adventure and family. She feels that taking advantage of time with family is very important, which is why we make it a habit to spend family dinners, weekends, and many vacations together. We love adventure together with activities like biking a new trail, hiking a new path, or sharing in her passions like the ballet, theater, or museums. She finds traveling important because it gives us time to spend as a family and build new memories together. Shannon is a very active person, and while growing up dancing ballet, she still takes time to dance multiple times per week in her exercise dance class. She is a very empathetic person who loves to take care of others, which led her to a career in the medical field. She leads our family by example working as a nurse for over 10 years in the ICU and then by going back to graduate school to become a Nurse Practitioner now working in Orthopedic Surgery. Her medical team and patients often boast how Shannon is integral to both the hospital and patient recovery. Shannon is very empathetic, a loving mother and wife, and she always shows resilience in both times of joy and heartache. Shannon continues to prove why she is an excellent mother and I can’t wait to grow our family together.
Meet Owen

Some might call him an “old soul” since he at times seems mature and wise beyond his years.

Owen is someone that will make you laugh since he has a fun and silly side.
Owen is our amazing fifteen year old son. He was a miracle after being born early at 33 weeks and having a rough first year due to asthma and a number of surgeries. Now he is a strong and healthy teenager and we are so proud of him and all of his accomplishments thus far. He is very outgoing and loves to talk to kids his own age as well as adults. Some might call him an “old soul” since he at times seems mature and wise beyond his years. He plays piano, loves rock climbing, traveling, learning other languages, swimming, riding his bike, and playing video games with his friends. He has always wanted a sibling, and he is very excited to have the opportunity to have a brother or sister. Owen is someone that will make you laugh since he has a fun and silly side. He is very loyal, empathetic, and would never intentionally hurt others. Even as a young child he would always go over and hug a child that fell and hurt themselves on the playground because he seemed to never want to see another suffer. He is currently a sophomore in high school and he is active on the debate team. He hopes to pursue a career in either business or medicine.
Our Promise

We promise to make sure that our children feel loved and supported.

We are so excited to everyday be one step closer to holding our baby in our arms.
Since we first started dating, we knew that we wanted to grow our family further. We have been through many years of fertility treatment with no success, and although it was heartbreaking the experience made our relationship stronger. We have a strong, loving, and supportive relationship filled with love and laughter, and we will always make sure to put the needed effort in to keep our marriage strong. We promise to make sure that our children feel loved and supported. We have always spoken openly with Owen and feel that communication is key to a happy family and marriage. We will make sure to provide our children with whatever specific needs they require. If a private school, therapy, or specialized medical care is needed for our child then we will make sure to provide the needed resources. We also promise to incorporate the adopted child’s culture into the raising of the child. We have always taught Owen about other cultures and through our travels have given him first hand education, which we would continue to do with our adopted child. We simply can’t wait to shower our adopted child with the love we have to give and help guide him/her to become a caring and successful adult. We are spiritual people and have taught Owen about all religions. We will continue to teach Owen and our adopted child morals through religious teachings. We are so excited to everyday be one step closer to holding our baby in our arms and look forward to this journey with you, if in fact you were to pick us as adoptive parents.

Shannon, Michael, and Owen
Post-Adoption Relationship

Open (Open to contact, phone calls, in person visits before adoption. Sharing photos and letters after placement. Visits at neutral location after adoption, etc.). If you want a more closed adoption, we would honor that request as well.

Semi Open (open to an in-person visit before adoption placement, phone, email, sharing pic/letters after placement

Closed (no contact after placement)

Certification Adoption.Org Logo

Gladney Center for Adoption verified this family completed an adoption home study including: background checks, character references, official interviews, required training, home inspection, financial review, etc. and are approved for adoption.


Our Adventures

One of our favorite things to do as both a couple and family is to travel. We feel travel is a wonderful way to learn first hand about other cultures as well as spend quality family time together. We have been on many vacations as a family to Hawaii, Colorado, New York City, Spain, numerous cruises to the Caribbean, Mexico, and Florida. We also do small weekend trips to the beach or nearby cities. On our vacations we love to hike, ski, try new cuisine, visit museums, surf, snorkel, and enjoy the local culture. Owen is going with his high school to Japan this summer and is currently learning japanese. We know that adopting a baby would change some of our travel activities, but we intend to continue traveling and doing activities that are baby friendly.

Our Happy Place

We live in a large, diverse metropolitan city close to downtown in a three story townhome. Our home is located near a number of beautiful parks, walking trails, restaurants, a Zoo, a Natural Science Museum, a Children’s Museum, and a number of nearby libraries. We are located near a number of wonderful public and private schools, which our son has attended. We have been happy with his education thus far. We also live near an amazing medical center with access to state of the art medical care. We love to go for brunch on the weekends as a family with our bernedoodle Chewie or go for a long walk or bike ride along our neighborhood bayou trails. We also love to check out our neighborhood farmer’s market to try new foods and support our local produce farmers. We have an annual Zoo membership and although our son is now a teenager, we still love to visit the Zoo on a nice day. We also love to attend the numerous festivals and community events that occur throughout the year. We love to cook together as a family making homemade pasta and bread or even sushi since our son Owen has a love for Japanese food and culture. Every night we sit down as a family for dinner since we feel it is important to share a family meal together. We also love to watch movies together at home and sometimes play games as a family. When Owen was a small child he went to the Zoo almost every weekend, attended Gymboree, went to the museums often, loved visiting the local parks, and frequently had playdates with nearby friends, all things we would do with an adopted child.

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