Rhema from Texas

from Texas
- Age 16
- Gender Female
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity African American
- Case Number 109243
- My Siblings Antaya Asaiah Asiah Alivia
- Inquire about this child
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Rhema is outgoing, strong-willed, and respectfully defends her strong beliefs. She is also described as being intelligent. She has a sweet personality and gets along well with others. She loves to design clothes, loves to read, being in the band and plays the flute. Rhema is helpful and a protector of her younger siblings. Rhema likes Victorian fashion, ballet, and the game "Just Dance." Rhema is into Victorian-style clothes with high necks, frilly collars, and expressive accessories. Rhema has enjoyed recent outings such as visiting a library, going to the movies, and swimming. She admires and is interested in older things such as antiques, books, etc. Rhema has developed a love for musical instruments. Rhema has been described as being helpful and a protector of her younger siblings.
Asaiah is a triplet with his brother Asiah and sister Alivia. He has two older sisters, Antaya and Rhema. He looks up to his oldest sister, Rhema. He has a very different personality than Asiah and Alivia but still shares similar interests with his siblings. He is more independent and prefers to take on tasks independently with little assistance. Asaiah is very sociable and makes friends easily. Alivia is more active with Asiah and tends to be to himself more. Rhema is the oldest and often guides and protects her siblings when needed. Antaya is also very independent and often tries to assist her siblings with basic living skills while still making time to do what she likes: drawing and playing on her tablet. They enjoy reading, drawing, arts and crafts, skating, electronics, and watching their favorite shows.
The best forever family for Rhema would be willing to adopt her and her other siblings. A family open to supporting her interests as they evolve and/or change would serve her best. Her forever family would need to incorporate clear boundaries and structure.