Rhianna from Texas

from Texas
- Age 14
- Gender Female
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity Hispanic
- Case Number 109237
- My Siblings Ryan
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Rhianna is described as an amazingly sweet, kind and giving young lady who is sensitive to the feelings of others. She is a peacemaker and natural caregiver. She loves to spend time with her younger sister. Rhianna does well in school and looks forward to getting involved in her high school's athletic program next year. She has big plans for her future. She loves playing sports and wants to study cosmetology after high school. A few of her hobbies include basketball, shopping for new shoes, playing board games and hanging out with her friends. Some of her favorite foods include pizza, pasta, and soul food. She is very imaginative and loves to spend time creating her own bracelets for herself and friends. She will be a wonderful addition to a loving forever family.
Rhianna and Ryan are sisters that are very close in age. Rhianna and Ryan have a very close-knit sibling bond with each other. They have a lot in common but also have very different personalities. They are both described as kind and generous individuals. They support each other and love to spend time together. They both enjoy participating in sports activities that include track and basketball. They also like to make new friends and spend time with them just hanging out. They both enjoy listening to music in their down time. They both like to eat pizza and watch movies. They enjoy getting manicures and having their hair styled. They like to go swimming when the weather permits. The sister's personalities are very complimentary of one another and make this sibling group so much fun.
Rhianna would benefit from a family who is able to provide a safe, secure, stable environment for her and her sister, Ryan. She wishes to have parents who are patient, understanding, and will love her unconditionally. She would like parents that will provide structure along with a balance of freedom and normalcy.