Samantha from Texas

from Texas
- Age 15
- Gender Female
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity NA
- Case Number 94086
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Samantha, who prefers to go by Sam, is a very kind natured and loving child. She is a very trusting soul who is smart and witty, and she enjoys joking around with others. She loves animals and some of her favorite animals are horses and dogs. Sam is looking forward to owning a pet of her own one day. In her free time, Sam enjoys sewing and has joined sewing groups. She is talented and has made quilts for others. Sam likes to do crafts. She is very artistic and enjoys painting. She likes to save her drawings and art in a binder to compare to her past drawings. Sam has a very vivid imagination. She loves to skateboard and roller-skate. She also likes to shop for new clothes and likes wearing bright colors to match her personality. Sam enjoys attending school and makes good grades. She makes friends easily in school and other settings. Sam loves to read books. She would be a great addition to a loving and caring forever family.
Sam's forever family will be loving and caring. Her forever family will be active and enjoy going different places. Sam feels that she would prefer to live in the hustle and bustle of the city rather than the country.