Seth from Texas

from Texas
- Age 14
- Gender Male
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity Hispanic
- Case Number 83048
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Seth is a very loving, kind, and affectionate youth. He always greets others with his contagious smile. He is very social and enjoys meeting new people and talking with them. He is a great helper to his peers, caregivers, and teachers. He loves going to school and looks forward to attending each day. He likes completing his schoolwork on his computer, especially math. Seth reports that his favorite time at school is recess because he loves being outdoors. Seth enjoys going to the park to play basketball and other outdoor activities. He also likes attending church service and other church related youth activities. When he is not outdoors playing, Seth enjoys spending time indoors playing video games. He enjoys getting an allowance or a gift card from the Dollar General Store and shopping there for treats. Some of his favorite foods are tacos, spaghetti, and chicken nuggets with fries. He also loves candy!
Seth's forever family will love and nurture him. He will do well with parents that are loving and consistent. Seth would like to have siblings that are close to his age. His family will be very active and outgoing, enjoys engaging in outdoor family activities. His family will be patient and will provide him with a stable and nurturing home.