Severo from Texas

from Texas
- Age 10
- Gender Male
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity NA
- Case Number 95813
- Inquire about this child
- Favorite this child
Severo is a sweet and energetic boy. He loves being kept busy, and really enjoys playing with his toys. He is a big fan of action figures and superheroes. He is currently a big fan of Toy Story and Avengers. His favorite Avenger is Captain America. Severo is very adventurous and is always up for trying new things. Severo likes the outdoors and likes to play outside and jump on the trampoline. This really helps him channel his awesome energy. Severo also enjoys coloring, drawing, and watching movies. He has a fun personality and will not be shy to play dress up with his Woody costume or Captain America jacket and shield. He loves playing basketball and riding his bike. He also likes playing with Legos and playing video games likes Minecraft.
Severo' forever family will provide patience and consistency, along with careful supervision. Severo's family will provide a very structured environment. Severo's forever family will provide a healthy coping mechanism and make him feel safe and supportive.