Shaquan from Texas

from Texas
- Age 16
- Gender Male
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity African American
- Case Number 87285
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Shaquan is a teen boy who is fun to be around. He loves playing video games and playing basketball. He also likes to be given various tasks to challenge himself. He likes to show people his basketball skills and athleticism. Shaquan enjoys playing on his tablet and teaching others how to play different games. He loves spending time outdoors and in nature and especially loves to go swimming. He has stated that he would like to go on a beach vacation soon. He is still learning how to ride a bike, and with his determination, he will master that skill soon. Shaquan warms up to people once he feels comfortable. Some of Shaquan's favorite foods include fried chicken and macaroni and cheese. Shaquan will be a wonderful addition to a loving family.
Shaquan will thrive in a patient, nurturing, and structured home. His forever family will be positive and willing to reassure him that he is safe, stable and loved. Shaquan's forever family will not have any other children or pets. This will help establish a new foundation for success for Shaquan. Shaquan's forever family will commit to allowing him a safe place to express himself. An environment where he can continue to reach his goals. Shaquan's forever family will need to be able to spend a lot of one-on-one time with him and be willing to access any needed resources. Shaquan does well in a structured environment with discipline and/or consequences.