Ta'sai from Texas

from Texas
- Age 16
- Gender Male
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity African American
- Case Number 107488
- Inquire about this child
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Ta'Sai is a very friendly, athletic, and smart youth. His favorite color is green and his favorite subjects in school are math and science. He has goals to become either an engineer or an architect. He is also involved in school sports such as football, basketball, and track. He is a very active child, and he enjoys outings to the movies, water parks, and the pool. He also likes to play video games and listen to music, especially R & B. He enjoys fresh air and playing outside with classmates and friends. He gets along well with others and has a great personality; he's a great listener, considerate of others, and he loves making people laugh. Ta'Sai will be a wonderful addition to a loving forever family.
Ta'Sai would like a family that can support his active lifestyle by helping him enroll in sports and support him when he needs space. He would like a family to guide him into adulthood and help him learn how to drive, learn how to budget, and help him to apply for college. Ta'Sai would like a family who is loving and caring towards him and will be able to guide him through challenges and encourage a healthy lifestyle to include counseling and help him find a good mentor.