Te'vaughnn from Texas

from Texas
- Age 15
- Gender Male
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity African American
- Case Number 108874
- Inquire about this child
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Anyone who meets Te'vaughnn will quickly see that he is a polite youth who is very smart. Te'vaughnn enjoys playing video games, going to the theater to watch movies, and playing sports. He likes going to the arcade and getting to spend time with people he cares about on outings. Te'vaughnn is not afraid to try something new and put himself out there. He is involved in many extracurricular activities, and he especially enjoys playing basketball and football. In football he plays corner back and occasionally safety. He hopes to make his school's team when they hold try outs. Te'vaughnn likes the challenge of learning new skills in sports, and he is always open to learning about new activates and hobbies. Te'vaughnn likes going to school to see his friends and learn new things. Te'vaughnn does well in school, and he says his favorite subject is computer science.
Te'vaughnn's forever family will be one that is patient and willing to do activities with him. His family will be consistent with routines as Te'vaughnn likes knowing what is coming next. His family will need to lay out clear expectations as Te'vaughnn likes to know what is expected of him.