


Age: 33

Ethnicity: White

Religion: Christian


Age: 35

Ethnicity: White

Religion: Christian

Preferences for a child

Age: Newborn to 1 year of age

Gender: Either

Race/Ethnicity: All

Special Needs: Open to discussion

Basic Info

Age: 33

Ethnicity: White

Religion: Christian

Denomination: Non-Denominational


Age: 35

Ethnicity: White

Religion: Christian

Denomination: Non-Denominational

Work & Education

Education: Degrees in Health Sciences

Profession: Homemaker


Education: Degrees in Music and Finance

Profession: Educator, Business Owner

Post-Adoption Relationship

Semi Open (open to an in-person visit before adoption placement, phone, email, sharing pic/letters after placement


Country: USA

State: Texas

Parent Relationship: Married

Parent Neighborhood: Suburban

Parent Years Together: 5 to 10 years

Parent Residency: House

Parent Pets: 1 cat (Bear)

Children At Home: No children

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual parents

Preferences for a child

Age: Newborn to 1 year of age

Gender: Either

Multiple Children: All

Race/Ethnicity: All

Special Needs: Open to discussion

Certification Adoption.Org Logo

Gladney Center for Adoption verified this family completed an adoption homestudy including: background checks, character references, official interviews, required training, home inspection, financial review, etc. and are approved for adoption.


Engagement Photo
Engagement Photo
Cody's family
Cody's family
Marissa's family
Marissa's family
Movie Theater
Movie Theater


Dinner time!
Dear Expectant Parent

We imagine you desire a wonderful life for your child, whether that be through you choosing to parent your child or you making an adoption plan.

Our names are Cody and Marissa, and we want to thank you for taking the time to get to know us. Your strength and courage to consider what you feel is the right plan for your child are truly admirable. We can not imagine what you may be feeling right now, and we want you to know that you are in our thoughts and prayers.

We imagine you desire a wonderful life for your child, whether that be through you choosing to parent your child or you making an adoption plan. We know that whatever decision you choose is motivated by the love you have for your child, and we pray that you are able to feel peace and comfort in your decision.

With love and prayers,
Cody & Marissa

Our names are Cody and Marissa, and we want to thank you for taking the time to get to know us. Your strength and courage to consider what you feel is the right plan for your child are truly admirable. We can not imagine what you may be feeling right now, and we want you to know that you are in our thoughts and prayers.

We imagine you desire a wonderful life for your child, whether that be through you choosing to parent your child or you making an adoption plan. We know that whatever decision you choose is motivated by the love you have for your child, and we pray that you are able to feel peace and comfort in your decision.

With love and prayers,
Cody & Marissa

Why We Want to Adopt

Through relationships with friends and family, we understand that love and family are not tied to being related by blood; Family and love are chosen.

At the movies
We have been married for over eight years and are truly excited about growing our family. Our dream of one day raising children started long before our relationship began, and we were thrilled to discover that we shared the same dream when we started dating. We planned on growing our family a couple of years into our marriage, but we received news from our doctor that our chance of biologically having children was not likely. We have made peace with our medical assessment, and we feel that God has another plan for our family to grow. Through relationships with friends and family, we understand that love and family are not tied to being related by blood; Family and love are chosen. We both choose to love each other unconditionally for the rest of our lives, and we will feel that same love for our child.
Our Story

After a year and a half of dating, we truly felt that God brought us together at the perfect time and to share a life together.

Wedding Day
Our story began when we were in high school. Cody was best friends with Marissa’s neighbor, and Marissa’s mom owned an antique resale shop with Cody’s best friend’s mom. At that time, Marissa viewed the relationship as an acquaintance, but she later found out that Cody had a secret crush! Since we are two years apart, it remained a secret until Cody reached out 8 years later through a Facebook message congratulating Marissa for graduating from college. The corresponding messages grew longer and more frequent and then developed into phone calls and meeting in person at a nice Italian restaurant for our first date. We became best friends, enjoying our time together whatever we were doing (attending church where Cody played piano, cooking new recipes, taking walks through the neighborhood, visiting local parks, going on bike rides).

After a year and a half of dating, we truly felt that God brought us together at the perfect time and to share a life together. Cody proposed at the church we attended together after he finished rehearsing on the piano and before anyone arrived for the service. It was such a special, intimate moment. We were married 9 months later with our family there to support us and celebrate with us, and we have now been married over 8 wonderful years.

We are still best friends and truly enjoy sharing life together. We love eating dinner together every night, leaving little notes of encouragement for each other, and, even if we are working on different things, it means a lot to us to be in the same room (we call it alone together time). We also value finding beauty and humor in the little everyday moments (like a little walk around our neighborhood together or guessing what shape Cody’s fried egg looks like every morning). We know that love is a verb, and we choose to love each other every day and show our love in many ways.
Our Promise

Whatever the relationship may look like between you, us, and your child, we want your child to understand and appreciate his/her story, the love you have for him/her, and the decision you made out of love for him/her.

Family Trip
We really appreciate you taking the time to get to know us through our profile.
If you do decide to make an adoption plan and choose us as adoptive parents, we want to assure you that your child will be unconditionally loved, respected, and cherished. Your child will be provided with a nurturing and encouraging environment filled with laughter, learning, and quality time with family and friends. We promise to impart an upbringing in which God is at the center of everything we do and values such as forgiveness, kindness, generosity, and respect for others are demonstrated each day.

We understand the value of an open adoption plan for your child, for you, and for us. We promise to respect you and remain open to the amount of contact you are comfortable with and is right for you, your child, and our family together. Whatever the relationship may look like between you, us, and your child, we want your child to understand and appreciate his/her story, the love you have for him/her, and the decision you made out of love for him/her.

With love and prayers,
Cody & Marissa
Post-Adoption Relationship

Semi Open (open to an in-person visit before adoption placement, phone, email, sharing pic/letters after placement

Certification Adoption.Org Logo

Gladney Center for Adoption verified this family completed an adoption home study including: background checks, character references, official interviews, required training, home inspection, financial review, etc. and are approved for adoption.


Our Wonderful Families (Marissa)

Our families really value quality time. We rotate Thanksgiving and Christmas gatherings every year between Marissa’s side of the family and Cody’s side of the family. Marissa: I grew up in Louisiana and have lived in Texas for most of my life. My mom, stepdad, and dad are a big part of our lives. We maintain a close relationship with regular phone calls, several visits throughout the year, and planned holiday gatherings. My mom and stepdad have been married for over twenty-five years, and although my parents separated when I was very young, they all have maintained a friendly and respectful relationship, even including each other in family gatherings. I am the middle child. My older sister and younger sister are both married with two daughters, ranging in age from one to eighteen. My family members are spread out across several different states, which can make it difficult for everyone to get together during major holidays. As a result, several years ago, my mom and stepdad started a family tradition of Christmas in July; We all meet either at their house or at an agreed-upon location every summer. We love sharing yummy homemade meals, playing games, and just hanging out together.

Our Wonderful Families (Cody)

Our families really value quality time. We rotate Thanksgiving and Christmas gatherings every year between Marissa’s side of the family and Cody’s side of the family. Cody: I grew up in Texas with my mom and sister, just a 10-minute drive from our grandparents. We loved playing outside with neighborhood friends, including all kinds of sports on our street’s cul-de-sac. Although I grew up in a family of engineers, my grandparents loved listening to music and signed me up for piano lessons at a young age. I went to their house almost every day through high school, and we were very close. My grandparents have since passed away, but my mom and sister still live close by. We see each other frequently, including for birthdays and holidays. My mom loves hosting Thanksgiving and Christmas gatherings, and we always look forward to our holiday traditions, including fun games and family recipes. Family will always be a priority to us.

Home – Our Favorite Place

We truly value making our house into a home by creating a loving, encouraging environment filled with laughter and focused on quality family time. Sharing a meal together every evening and enjoying fun family games are really meaningful to us. Our 2-story home has 4 bedrooms upstairs, including Cody’s home office. Downstairs is an open floor plan filled with natural light and includes a cozy living room, welcoming dining room with a large round table (perfect for our family games), and a kitchen that is often in use for preparing our yummy meals and snacks. Our home is filled with lots of family photos, books, games, and furniture passed down from family. We love our spacious backyard for grilling, watching the birds and squirrels at the birdfeeders, and tossing the baseball or football. We live in a safe, quiet neighborhood with a diverse community in a good school district. Our neighborhood park is just a quick walk away and consists of a playground, walking path, and large grassy area. We also enjoy visiting other local parks, including our favorite place to feed ducks and geese. Our church is within a 20-minute drive and offers fun family events and a wonderful children’s program. Since we both work from home, our flexible schedules will allow us to be very present in our child’s life - for school events, activities, and everyday moments.

Meet Bear

Bear came into our life rather spontaneously after being rescued by a friend. We have shared a life with our Little Bear for over 8 years now, and it is hard to imagine a life without her. Funny story about Bear’s name: As a young boy, Cody loved his teddy bears, and, since then, he has wanted a bear as a pet. As a kitten, her face looked like a bear cub; So we decided to call her Bear since that was the closest Cody would get to having a bear as a pet. Bear has such a fun personality, is very social, and loves spending time with us. She interacts well with our nieces and friends’ children, and we are confident she will embrace her role as a big sister. Her favorite things are napping in boxes, bringing her squirrel toy to us, and watching her squirrel and bird friends through the windows.

Meet Marissa

• Age: 33 • Education: Degrees in Health Sciences • Occupation: Homemaker • Favorite Places: Home with Cody and Bear and in nature • Favorite Movies: Inspirational sports • Favorite Music: Christian and big-band jazz • Something Silly: She loves eating slowly to savor her favorite foods and eating Asian food with chopsticks • Fun Fact: Marissa did gymnastics growing up, and she can still do cartwheels! • Hobbies: Cooking/baking, making gifts for family/friends, biking, spending time outdoors, playing games, reading before bed Marissa is the most thoughtful person I’ve met; she is a light to everyone around her with her frequent acts of kindness, encouragement, and contagious smile. Her words are not only uplifting but also sincere; she truly cares about the well-being of others. She is a natural at helping others feel welcome and comfortable, especially when family and friends visit our home. Marissa shows her love in many ways, such as cooking and sharing homemade meals, crafting handmade gifts, and actively listening with genuine curiosity. Marissa’s thoughtfulness is evident even in the small details, such as sending me encouraging text messages when I’m working or remembering special occasions (birthdays, anniversaries) with handwritten notes. Marissa is a fantastic cook! She puts her heart into every dish, whether it’s a mid-afternoon snack or a family dinner. We eat dinner together as a family, and she turns each meal into something special. She considers our meal plans far in advance to ensure we always have delicious meal options. She loves routines but is also very creative! Marissa will be an incredible mother because of her nurturing instinct and genuine care for others. She also has a strong sense of resilience and is able to adapt to challenging situations with grace. Her ability to maintain a positive outlook is a testament to her inner strength and steadfast love. Marissa prioritizes taking care of our family and our home. She ensures that our home is tidy and organized while also filled with warmth and comfort - with calm colors, family pictures, and encouraging scriptures throughout the house.

Meet Cody

• Age: 35 • Education: Degrees in Music + Finance • Occupation: Educator, Business Owner • Favorite Places: Home and the mountains • Favorite Movies: Military + documentaries • Favorite Animal: Bear • Favorite Music: Gospel + jazz • Something Silly: Enjoys popsicles after meals • Fun Fact: He visits and names all the outdoor cats on his neighborhood walks • Hobbies: Watching educational videos, listening to podcasts/audiobooks, playing games (basketball, baseball, cards, video games), neighborhood walks, biking, music, fishing during family trips There are so many wonderful things to write about Cody; It is difficult to fit them all on one page! Cody is really friendly and truly has a gift with words; He can have a conversation with anyone. He is very dependable and thrives on a structured routine, but he also has a really silly side and a great sense of humor. Cody is so respectful, thoughtful, and kind; He often thinks of others first before himself. He is my biggest cheerleader; His love, support, compassion, and honesty are appreciated more than he will ever know. Cody’s passion for learning and sharing what he has learned to help others is truly admirable, which is a huge part of his job. As a financial educator, he shares his knowledge and experience to help the families he serves and also others within the financial community. It is so clear to see the passion he has for his work by the way his whole face lights up upon describing the positive impact his work has on others. His generosity also carries over into his work with giving his time, knowledge, and educational scholarships. Cody also loves the flexibility that comes with running his business from home; He truly values scheduling work around family, rather than scheduling family around work. Before changing to a career as an educator and starting his own business, Cody was a professional musician for many years working mainly as a music director for a church. His background in music began at the age of 6 and continues today through volunteer opportunities at our church. Cody is already excited about playing piano for and with our growing family one day. The foundation of every part of Cody’s life is rooted in his relationship with God. Cody is a truly amazing man, friend, and husband. He gives his ALL in whatever he does (in his relationships, tasks, work, and, eventually, as a father). It is easy to see that he will be an incredible dad, especially after seeing him interact with our cat and children in our family, of friends, and at church. He truly values family, and he is really looking forward to growing our family.

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