Timothy from Texas

from Texas
- Age 15
- Gender Male
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity NA
- Case Number 102968
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Timothy is a fun-loving teenager who likes to laugh, build things, and watch music videos. He especially enjoys showing off his dance moves like the floss. Timothy also enjoys listening to music, playing video games, and watching TV. The Fresh Prince of Bel-Aire is one of Timothy's favorite shows! While Timothy has varied interests, he truly has a love for the outdoors! Timothy enjoys skateboarding, riding bikes with his friends, going to the park, and playing sports like football. Timothy's favorite snack is blue Taki's. He also likes tacos, pancakes, and pasta. Timothy loves to help cook dinner. He says he likes to help, and it makes him feel good to have tasks that keep him busy. He can be thoughtful and gets enjoyment out of sharing with others. Timothy has a good sense of humor and enjoys being social. Timothy interacts well with his peers and adults and likes to tell jokes. Timothy is described as being very caring. He loves animals and would like to have a dog of his own.
Timothy is open to both traditional or nontraditional families and is not opposed to parents who are the same sex. Timothy's forever family will be one who understands the joys and responsibility of caring for a teen who is active. Timothy's family will ensure he receives any supportive services he may need. The family will be resourceful in locating and utilizing services to help him reach his full potential. Timothy will thrive with a family where he has siblings his age; however, Timothy would do well being the only child as well. He would do well with a family that enjoys spending time outdoors.