Tr'aron from Texas

from Texas
- Age 17
- Gender Male
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity African American
- Case Number 79678
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Tr'Aron is a sweet, fun, kind and energetic child. He is very playful and enjoys outdoor activities such as riding on his scooter, playing basketball, hula hooping, and jump roping. He also likes playing video and board games. Tr'Aron likes going on family outings, like going to carnivals, rodeos, event centers, and the movies. He is creative, artistic and thoughtful. He likes to draw pictures for others or make things. Tr'Aron has a beautiful voice and loves to sing. He's interested in learning how to play the flute. Tr'Aron is a good student and makes very good grades. He has received compliments from his teacher about his handwriting. His favorite subjects are science and P.E. Tr'Aron is very respectful, polite and helpful. He will offer his help in completing household chores, will clean his room and put away items he uses during play activities. Tr'Aron's favorite foods are chicken nuggets, fries, hamburgers, ice cream and honey buns. Tr'Aron makes an effort to take responsibility for his actions by apologizing and asks for an opportunity to show behavior improvements and changes. He continues to learn and work on positive ways of expressing his feelings and needs. He appreciates gentle reminders about completing daily hygiene tasks. Tr'Aron thrives in settings that offer encouragement, praise and supportive redirection.
Tr'Aron will benefit from a family that is nurturing and patient. He needs a family that can provide structure and be attentive to his needs. He would do well in a two-parent home or single parent home that has an available and involved support system. It is important for Tr'Aron's family to take an active role in his life. The family would help Tr'Aron stay connected to the necessary therapeutic services and set appropriate boundaries. He would do well in a family that engages in child-parent projects, enjoys team sports, goes on trips to Science/Art/Children's museums, and may attend religious activities. A family with no more than two children would be ideal. Pets are welcome as Tr'Aron loves dogs.