Tyra from Texas

from Texas
- Age 14
- Gender Female
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity African American
- Case Number 108515
- Inquire about this child
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Tyra is a happy and energetic young lady who enjoys spending her time roller blading and playing basketball. She also likes to spend time outdoors riding her moped. She describes herself as active, easy going, and funny. Tyra is creative and especially enjoys painting and drawing. Her hobbies include skating, listening to music, watching movies, and dancing. Tyra enjoys all types of food and is not a picky eater. Her favorite food is cheeseburgers and French fries. One of Tyra's wishes is to become a professional basketball player and compete with different teams and even compete overseas. Tyra does well in school, particularly in Math. Her favorite thing to do while at school is read. Tyra is mature and independent. Tyra will be a great addition to a loving forever family.
Tyra's forever family will be active and caring. Tyra would like a family that consists of one or two parents. She would like to stay in Texas and is also opened to having older siblings and pets. Her family will enjoy spending quality time together as well as going on vacations and outings.