Veronica from Texas

from Texas
- Age 16
- Gender Female
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity African American
- Case Number 89980
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Veronica is a fun-spirited, sweet, friendly child who enjoys playing outside with her peers. She is very outgoing and interacts well with others. She does very well academically in school. Veronica really likes school, and her favorite subjects are science and math. She is astute and enjoys learning new things. Veronica warms up to new people with ease and enjoys making new friends. She is a friendly child who enjoys dancing, playing with others and arts and crafts. She also enjoys being around older children from time to time. She responds well to being redirected and calms down easily whenever she gets upset. She benefits from reminders about maintaining personal space when interacting with others. Veronica wishes to be adopted to have a forever family.
Veronica's forever family will be a loving family who will provide her with a nurturing yet structured home environment. Veronica's family will set clear expectations with appropriate rewards or consequences. Her family will be committed to providing for all her needs and ensuring she receives ongoing services as needed. Veronica's family will be committed to caring for her long term, providing her love and guidance as she grows to adulthood.