Xavior from Texas

from Texas
- Age 11
- Gender Male
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity Hispanic
- Case Number 105648
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Xavior is a quiet and kind boy who enjoys playing video games on his tablet and playing outside. He has an intelligent mind and a good memory. Xavier enjoys playing with his friends at school and his foster brothers. He loves being active and enjoys physical activity and art. Some of his favorites include soccer, clay work, and skateboarding. Some of his favorite foods include pizza with jalapenos, bean burritos, and Raising Cane's chicken fingers. Xavior is very intelligent and does well in school on topics he is interested in. He does not know just yet what he wants to do for a career when he grows up, but he likes working with his hands and staying busy. Xavier will be a great addition to a loving forever family.
His ideal family would be either a single dad or a two-parent household. He would love an older brother, and pets are great as well. Xavior responds well to male authority figures and would excel in a home where the father figure is the disciplinarian, and the mother figure is nurturing. He would also respond well to positive male role models.