Zxavian from Texas

from Texas
- Age 14
- Gender Male
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity Hispanic
- Case Number 106108
- My Siblings D'artagnan
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Zxavain, or "Z," is an even-tempered boy with a quick smile. He is intelligent and funny. He is into video games and enjoys talking about the games that he is playing. Z has played soccer in the past and has said that he would like to play again if he can. He enjoys sports and is very athletic. He also likes marine animals, especially sharks. Z can tell you many facts about the sharks that he likes as he likes to gather facts. He watches many types of videos and can state the facts. Forensic or nature videos are his most favorite. Z is laid back and goes with the flow. When asked what he likes about school, he first says nothing and laughs, then says, "probably science or math." He doesn't know what he wants to be when he grows up. Z would be a great addition to any family.
D'Artagnan and Zxavian share a very close bond. With that closeness comes the typical sibling interactions, each wanting their own way. They compete for everything, racing to the car, who can eat their ice cream the fastest, and who has the highest score on the video game they are playing. D and Z are also physical with each other and must be reminded often to keep their hands to themselves. D is the older brother that "picks" on his little brother in a loving way. Z is the caretaker, usually giving up something so his brother can have it. They both enjoy sports. Zxavian is also into marine animals, while D'Artagnan is interested in music and how police solve crimes. The children are looking forward to their forever family.
Zxavian will do well in a home that is well-structured with an emphasis on fun. He is very intelligent and open to new adventures with his forever family. Predictability seems to work best with him, and knowing what is expected. His family will be strong and consistent, yet flexible.