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A Success Story

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I am a child who was adopted by a loving home and this story is from my point of view. My mother adopted me as a single parent, so it has been just me and her since I was 7. I was permanently taken from my biological family when I was 4. However, I had been in and out of foster care many times before that. The home I came from was not loving. In fact, my biological parents had no idea how to take care of any children and there were 5 of us. We all lived in a tiny trailer that had trash up to your knees on the floor. I could not tell you what the floor looked like; I had never seen it without trash. We had no heat and my brothers and sisters and I had to share the same room and bed. I was emotionally, physically, mentally and sexually abused for the four and a half years I lived there.

Then I went to a foster mother, a wonderful lady. She s the one who recommended my adoptive mother. When I was 5 I met her for the first time. She was kind and caring, but I had attachment issues and did not want to be with her. I tried on several occasions to run away. It took a year of patience and love before I would hold her hand and a little longer before I called her mom. She took care of me when I had no one and it made a world of difference.

I am now 22 years old and am the only one in my biological family to go to college. My mother inspired me to be a great person and helped make me the woman I am today. And you know what? I am studying to be a social worker and I plan to adopt a child of my own. This is my story; it started out badly, but one loving person and a warm household changed my life.

– Stephenie D.

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