Sleep would have been a gift, and fortunately I got almost five hours of it, although it's questionable whether they did any good. Five hours usually isn't enough for me, but I guess I will take what I can get. When I awoke this morning, I remembered I was dreaming that my boss had asked me to map out where all of the co-workers in my department live, then scan in that map and hyperlink their names on top of the location of their homes. Keep in mind that this doesn't have any remote relation to the type of work I do.
I also found it odd, after laying in bed for about ten minutes and thinking about it, that of all of the things I could have been dreaming about, I was dreaming about work. Not this beautiful baby we're about to be introduced to. But work. The human mind works in mysterious ways.
Finally at 5:30 I gave up on the idea of sleeping anymore, and stumbled out of the bedroom, of course accidentally making enough racket to wake DH in the process. "Do you want the remote?" It's the first thing he says to me almost every morning, because we sit in bed and watch the news together as we're waking up. No, I wanted him to go back to sleep so I wouldn't feel guilty about waking him up. I'm accutely aware of how often he gets sucked into my neurotic behavior, and it's something I'm making a serious effort to curb. Once I convinced him that it was fine for him to go back to sleep, I made it out here.
Now the trick will be to occupy over three and a half hours before our meeting with the social workers.