My boys are playing in the room with me and they just shut the door and started laughing! How can that get any better?? I have had so many thoughts in my head and have not had time to type them down. We are 35 days until TPR for D. I am so worried that it will not go thru. If it does not then it will be fine, I will be fine sooner or later. I'm glad that we have provided him with a great home and lots of love, so which ever way it works I just want him to have a wonderful life. B finally had a visit after month of not seeing his bparents. I do not understand how a bparent can claim that they love them and want them back and miss them and yet don't show up to see them. WHY would you do this to your child. A child who did not ask for this and by any means does not deserve this. I don't know if I'll ever be able to understand what they are thinking. B's bfather told me at the visit this week that he saw us at court and that he couldn't get their on time because of the bus. Catch an early one, get a ride, call a taxi, I know you know how because you've done it before. This is your child, come on. They need you to get it together. Before you all think bad about me and say I have no compassion..................... well I don't sometimes. I do if this is your first dealing with CPS or you don't beat your kids or do drugs while your pregnant and claim you don't. I do understand that people get into trouble and need help. When this is your 5,6,7,10 child no I don't have much compassion for you. For your childern, yes all in the world it is not their fault. Yes I am grateful that you decided to have your child and I know that if it wasn't for all those things I would not have had all the amazing kids in my home nor would I hopefully be adopting my two boys.
To sum it up................... it is a double edged sword.........................