I LOVE them!! They are such upbeat and really nice people. They came by my house today to pick something up. Their grandson's had basketball games down the street from my house. I had some pictures for them from when my mom, Aunt Betty and I went out to lunch. I know they are heading out to Montana in about a week and a half so I wanted them to have them to take with them.
My uncle walked in and said, "WOW! I can't believe how much I see Diane in her. I didn't see it before as I do today." Then Betty said she knows, when we went to lunch she was amazed at some of the similarities. I thanked them so much. Uncle Red went on to say he even saw similarities in Tarryn to Diane and Amy. As we were talking I was standing on one leg, I had the other leg bent at the knee with my foot on the other foot. Uncle Red pointed it out to Aunt Betty and said, oh my gosh, look. I thought it was because I was barefoot and I know Diane said as a child she never had shoes on. I realized it was in the way I was standing. It was such a neat moment.
I think you want to have a connection to this person because this is where you came from. You want desparately to see similarities. There are children who look nothing like their birthparents and have nothing in common with them, but there is something in being adopted, I guess it deals with the unknown, that I think it is even more important than if you were raised by your biological parents, that makes you want to connect and bond. You look for a common thread of yourself. All I know is that it made me so happy for Uncle Red to say he saw a lot of Diane in me today and then the way we stand. You couldn't have given me a better present than if you went out and bought me one. I can't remember the last time something got me so excited or brought such a smile to my face.
I feel wanted. They are wonderful people. Don't take me wrong, everyone has made me feel wanted. Diane has been incredible, I am amazed at how far my grandmother has come. I just think that my great aunt and uncle have the least amount of baggage to deal with. This has brought back memories of the past for Diane and my grandmother. There is so much more for them to process through. They have been so wonderful and open though. I admire all that they have done for me. Diane is a very compassionate and giving person. Everyone has gone out of their way to help me with all of this and give me identity and answers. I love each and everyone of them for their help and open hearts.