I got some paperwork my amom's lawyer had. He's long retired and deceased, but I obtained them.
I found out my Birth Name, Baby Boy Wheaton. The Baby Boy first name will make it very difficult to obtain some things I might have gotten away with if I had a real first name like hospital birth medical files, and a chance at the original Birth Certificate, but at least I know!
Still waiting for the state to respond and send my registration to Hillside Children's Center (the adoption agency that now has the adoption records).
People adopted in the Rochester, New York area, or whose bmom's were here, expecially in Rochester Maternal & Adoption Service, Inc. (later renamed Northaven, Inc.) please PM me for some potential resources.
This is a lot of work. It's emotional, and time consuming. I hope it results in a good relationship with my bfamily! :-) Just knowing something, anything, is better than not knowing though, no matter what I find.