Yesterday my court paper came in the mail. I filled them out but can't send them until Monday. This is getting me one step closer to a reunion. I can only hope that Diane is willing. I do need to finish the letter that can at some point be forwarded to her. I have keep it fairly simple so not to scare her away. I know nothing of her or any family that she or my bdad might have. I have only one brother by my aparents. So I grew up in a small family. I also moved may times in my childhood so my relatives were always a good distance away. As a child I didn't grow up with many friends because of the moves but the ones I had were close. I have lived in Wisconsin or as I say "stuck" in Wisconsin since 1981. However if I didn't live here I would not have my 10 year old son or met my wonderful wife. We have been married since January 9, 1999. She is greatand I don't know how she puts up with me sometimes. I am not bad but I do drive her nuts sometimes. LoL. Well, so much for now, I have to go back to work and bring in the horses and feed the hounds.
Dear Jed,
I hope by now that you have found your bmom. I briefly read your journal. See I too am searching my bson. I can only hope that he will be a willing as you. Best of everything.