


Age: 31

Ethnicity: White


Age: 31

Ethnicity: White

Preferences for a child

Age: Newborn to 1 year of age

Gender: Either

Race/Ethnicity: All, African American (Full), African American (Half), Caucasian (Full), Caucasian (Half), Hispanic (Full), Hispanic (Half), Asian (Full), Asian (Half), American Indian (Full), American Indian (Half), Pacific Islander (Full), Pacific Islander (Half), Other

Special Needs: Open to discussion

Basic Info

Age: 31

Ethnicity: White


Age: 31

Ethnicity: White

Work & Education

Education: Master of Science

Profession: Structural Engineer / Stay at Home Parent


Education: Bachelor of Science

Profession: Actuary

Post-Adoption Relationship

Open (Open to contact, phone calls, in person visits before adoption. Sharing photos and letters after placement. Visits at neutral location after adoption, etc.). If you want a more closed adoption, we would honor that request as well.


Country: USA

State: Texas

Parent Relationship: Married

Parent Neighborhood: Suburban

Parent Years Together: 5 to 10 years

Parent Residency: House

Parent Pets: 2 cats

Children At Home: Biological children

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual parents

Preferences for a child

Age: Newborn to 1 year of age

Gender: Either

Multiple Children: Twins, Sibling groups

Race/Ethnicity: All, African American (Full), African American (Half), Caucasian (Full), Caucasian (Half), Hispanic (Full), Hispanic (Half), Asian (Full), Asian (Half), American Indian (Full), American Indian (Half), Pacific Islander (Full), Pacific Islander (Half), Other

Special Needs: Open to discussion

Certification Adoption.Org Logo

Gladney Center for Adoption verified this family completed an adoption homestudy including: background checks, character references, official interviews, required training, home inspection, financial review, etc. and are approved for adoption.


Sophie feeding the backyard chickens
Sophie feeding the backyard chickens
Camille and Alec
Camille and Alec
Moose in the cutest hat
Moose in the cutest hat
Camille at work
Camille at work
More of Us
Camille and Sophie
Camille and Sophie
Sophie and her favorite shoes
Sophie and her favorite shoes
Alec in his vintage BMW
Alec in his vintage BMW
Moose and Camille on a backyard walk
Moose and Camille on a backyard walk
Sophie on the slide
Sophie on the slide
Camille, Alec, and Sophie
Camille, Alec, and Sophie


We are Camille, Alec, and Sophie, and we are looking forward to introducing ourselves to you.
Why Adoption

We are so excited to add yet another family member through adoption!

Our first child, Sophie, was born in 2020. Shortly after having Sophie, we learned that Camille has a health condition which would make any future pregnancy high risk for both her and the baby. However, we knew that we still wanted to add to our family and decided to explore other options for doing so. Adoption runs deep in our family and we know it is the perfect fit for us. Camille’s mom and two maternal uncles are adopted, and we have cousins on both sides who are adopted. We are so excited to add yet another family member through adoption!

Our first child, Sophie, was born in 2020. Shortly after having Sophie, we learned that Camille has a health condition which would make any future pregnancy high risk for both her and the baby. However, we knew that we still wanted to add to our family and decided to explore other options for doing so. Adoption runs deep in our family and we know it is the perfect fit for us. Camille’s mom and two maternal uncles are adopted, and we have cousins on both sides who are adopted. We are so excited to add yet another family member through adoption!

Meet Camille (By Alec)

She is an incredible mother.

Camille with one of our two Siberian cats, Moose.
Camille is fiercely guided by her empathy and kindness towards friends, family, and neighbors. She is intently focused on ensuring that others are well cared for, and devotes much of her free time to doing things for those around her: thoughtful activities for Sophie, homemade food for gatherings, or care packages for extended family. She is an incredible mother who currently stays at home with Sophie. Sophie is engaged, learning new words, playing games, or singing songs. We take a Montessori-lite approach to raising Sophie, so Camille engages with her by having her help with meal prep, cleaning up spills, building crafts, or allowing Sophie to explore the yard. Camille is incredibly excited to meet our future child and incorporate them in these activities as well. Motherly achievements notwithstanding, Camille is an accomplished structural engineer who loves working on historic buildings, preserving and re-invigorating important buildings for their next 100 years. At some point (maybe when the kids get to school age), she plans to return to work or partner with a former colleague to found their own firm.
Meet Alec (By Camille)

It is obvious that Alec loves being a dad.

Alec enjoys recharging at home by working on and driving his vintage 1969 BMW 2002.
My favorite thing about Alec is his mind. He thinks deeply and is always coming up with creative solutions. He is very funny and certainly can banter. However, if you ask him a serious question, he will sit and think about it thoroughly. Then when he delivers his response, it is always thoughtful and eloquent. In his professional career, Alec works as a life insurance actuary. To be honest, I have never fully understood what exactly Alec’s work entails and I almost need a dictionary to comprehend all the jargon when he attempts to explain it to me. However, I generally understand that it is the math behind life insurance, requires a deep understanding of high level math and statistics, and involves quite a bit of computer programming. Alec works from home, which allows us to spend plenty of family time together even when work is busy. It is obvious that Alec loves being a dad. He will sometimes sneak out of his office in between calls just to see Sophie for a few minutes. Alec enjoys all of the typical dad activities like tossing Sophie in the air and taking her out exploring at the park. However, I think he gets just as much fulfillment out of the gentler activities like tucking Sophie in for bed, feeding her a bottle when she was an infant, and comforting her when she wakes up during the night. There has been more than one occasion where Alec has walked out of Sophie’s room wiping tears of love and joy after reading her a bedtime story and tucking her in for bed. I know that he will be just as incredible of a dad to the next addition to our family too.
Our Lifestyle and Parenting Approach

We would be deeply honored to be your child’s parents.

We look forward to getting to know you and you us.
As a family, we prioritize spending quality time together - we eat dinner together each night and love to play together. We enjoy traveling and experiencing new places, ideas, cultures, and foods. We highly value education in all its forms - books are available at child height in multiple rooms of our home, and we read together every day before nap and before bed. We love spending time in our backyard, where we have a vegetable garden, an herb garden, a “pocket prairie” for pollinators, a small chicken flock, and plenty of grass for playing. We also love to spend time in the great outdoors through activities like hiking, biking, fishing, and camping. We emphasize sustainability - among other things, we recycle, compost, put food scraps to use by feeding them to our chickens, and try to minimize our consumption of single-use plastics. We prioritize the concept of “help me help myself” by providing child size tools, making items like bibs, utensils, cleaning supplies, and outerwear easily available at child height, and incorporating Sophie in activities like cooking, gardening, collecting eggs from our chickens, and caring for our cats. We are so grateful to you for spending the time to get to know us. We look forward to getting to know you too. We would be deeply honored to be your child’s parents, to have them as an integral member of our family, to raise them with love and joy, and to be by their side through life’s obstacles.
Post-Adoption Relationship

Open (Open to contact, phone calls, in person visits before adoption. Sharing photos and letters after placement. Visits at neutral location after adoption, etc.). If you want a more closed adoption, we would honor that request as well.

Certification Adoption.Org Logo

Gladney Center for Adoption verified this family completed an adoption home study including: background checks, character references, official interviews, required training, home inspection, financial review, etc. and are approved for adoption.


Holiday Traditions

We generally spend Thanksgiving with Alec's family and Christmas with Camille's family. This year we actually took over the Christmas hosting! Our Christmas celebration is very traditional. Christmas Eve dinner is our big holiday meal. Every year we have HoneyBaked ham, au-gratin potatoes, green bean casserole, and "FlyLady" baked beans. We also drive around to look at Christmas lights and watch a Christmas (or Ice Age!) movie. Christmas has always included books at our house. When Camille was a kid, her mom always said that "Santa believes in reading," and Santa used to leave a wrapped book next to each stocking. However, when we went on a trip to Sweden a few years ago to explore Camille's family heritage, we learned of the Scandinavian tradition of the Julbock (Christmas goat), a Christmas gift-bringer. We loved it, created our own Julbock costume, and now the Julbock hand-delivers a book to each person on Christmas morning. Thanksgiving is a little bit more playful. We always have pie because Alec LOVES pie. However, we switch up our side dishes, switch up whose home we celebrate at, and enjoy having a variety of guests.

Alec's Hobbies

Alec enjoys recharging at home by working on and driving his vintage 1969 BMW 2002. (1969 being the year, 2002 being the model - it denotes 2 door/2 liter engine. Camille had to be educated on this fact. ;-) ) He likes to fly fish when we travel to places that are cold enough for trout. Alec also enjoys computer programming. He always has one or two special side projects that he likes to work on while listening to music.

Camille's Hobbies

Camille's favorite hobby is gardening. She has a special interest in permaculture, native plants, pollinator friendly plants, edible perennials, and tomatoes. Alec thinks eleven tomato plants might just be a bit much for two adults and a toddler. Camille thinks you can never have too many tomato plants. Camille also enjoys knitting, cooking, and travel.

The Great Outdoors

We love to spend time outdoors as a family. We hike, bike, camp, and fish. We bought a used pop-up trailer last year in order to make camping a bit easier with littles, and we have been loving it! So far we have hit a few state parks and have a large extended family Big Bend National Park camping trip planned for the fall. We also enjoy spending time on Camille's parents' ski boat and the small fishing boat that Camille's dad hand-built.

Our Home

We live in a four bedroom home on about 1/2 acre in a quiet, shaded neighborhood. Our suburb has a little bit of a country feel - some of the properties nearby have goats, horses, and cows. A number of the families in our neighborhood have small children and we are excited for our kids to have friends nearby to grow up with. Our favorite feature of our home is our backyard. We have a large vegetable garden, an herb garden, a "pocket prairie" for pollinators, and plenty of grass for playing! Our backyard chickens also provide us plenty of eggs and endless entertainment.


We keep a small flock of backyard chickens. They till our garden, provide us plenty of eggs, and keep us pretty entertained in the process. Our current flock members are Freya (an Olive Egger), Opal (a Saphire Gem), Wynonna (a Golden Laced Wyandotte), Ana (an Easter Egger), Henrietta (a Barred Rock), and Henrietta (also a Barred Rock). And yes, we do have two Henriettas - they are the same breed and we can't tell them apart!


Moose is our male Siberian cat. He is a quirky, sweet, laid back boy with a bit of a surfer dude vibe. Moose loves to lounge on the dining room table while keeping a close eye on the backyard birds. Much like Sophie, his favorite place to be is outside. Both of our cats live fully indoors, but Moose enjoys taking walks on a leash in the backyard. We even have a dog tie-out cable so he can sit outside enjoying his catnip plant while we eat dinner on the back porch.


Ellie is our female Siberian cat. We call Ellie the boss of the house. She is definitely the dominant cat, and the first to let us know that it's time for dinner. Ellie is quick to come up to new people to greet them, and often immediately jumps on their laps to provide cuddles. Another of Ellie's many nicknames is "laundry dragon" because she likes to sit on top of the clean laundry pile, guarding it from anyone who dares try to take an item to fold it. Ellie came to us after being fired from being a breeding cat because she was so busy cuddling with the humans that she didn't nurse her kittens. She has maintained that strong desire to bond and nuzzle her humans.


Our daughter, Sophie, is a delightful, hilarious, sweet toddler girl. Everyone who meets her comments about what a happy child she is. Sophie is fascinated by babies and always makes sure that her baby doll gets milk and a pacifier before she goes to bed. We know that she will love having a younger sibling! Sophie's favorites: Favorite activity: To go up and down stairs while pointing and announcing "uh" (up) and "dnnn" (down). Favorite place: Outside! Favorite item of clothing: Shoes! To go outside! Favorite toys: Baby doll, toy cars, slide, books. Favorite belonging: Her green crocodile Croc style shoes. She wears them to bed every night and likes to push them around in her stroller during the day. We had to designate them as "house shoes" so that they don't get too dirty to wear under the covers!

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