In the middle of all of my processing the child parts, I forget who I am as an adult. Every now and then a situation comes up to remind me.
I forgot that there is a part of me that is quite sound and reasonable. It's hard for me NOT to be diplomatic, though the ability to speak (or write) my mind seems to be growing. I consider how I can use my voice for others who need it or a cause . . . this pondering comes as part of being able to dream again. I haven't been able to dream in quite awhile. Another sign of the miraculous healing going on inside.
Physically, I am in pain. It feels like almost everything hurts . . . inflammed hip, pinched nerves, tight muscles . . . this causes me to wonder what is troubling me that my emotions can't feel? I don't know the answer to that . . . in time. I can celebrate the recovery that is happening.