my name is shannon,i would like to introduce myself,i am 31 and dh is 30 we have a daughter olivia who is gonna be 11 in nov,we also have(had)another daughter her name is corissa grace she will be 1 on jan 29 and a little boy hudson wyattwho is only 2 weeks husband and i have been together for 14 years,and have tried so hard to have children of our own,after many failed iui's we gave up on june 11 05 we found out of a family member who in fact was pregnant(keep in mind they called us)at first we said no,after all this is time went on they kept calling,we started to get everything in order...birth mom moved in with us 11/05 corissa was born birth mom left then bamn she comes and takes her from us when i was at work one devastating this was,my life was flipped upside down and our atty never filed a paper,not so much as guardianship papers either...but it gets better,another birth mom approached us mid oct,on nov 28 we found out we were getting a little boy,but unfourtnately we only got to keep him for 6 days...i really need some supprt...