I was going through Musemoon/Aria withdrawl-missed hearing about Aria and you. I just plain missed you. I've been very busy-too busy to write/life full in a good way. I'm so ready to see Aria pictures.
Okay as for us, had our monthly SW homevisit today and things are rapidly progressing. She is convinced his mom has "given up" and that we will not hear from her again as this is a pattern in her life. I am holding out a little hope that we can have a semi-open adoption. I'm told by the SW this is one of the very few clients she has who she feels it would work beautifully, however, she thinks she won't be hearing from her again.
As for Eli is is the light of our lives right now. I thought I loved him when I first met him and I'm realizing that I didn't have a clue how much that love would grow. This is different then giving birth, so hard for me to explain. Its such a leap of faith and honestly I was scarred to make the wrong decision. I'm grateful that I was lead to Eli, that I trusted in God and in myself, in my dh, in my mom and all of those who saw the light in my son's eyes and told me what a special little guy he is. He is pure happiness. He is changing everyday. His SW said she has never seen him better and more adjusted. He really is amazing in every way. He is saying "mama" all of the time and "dad" and trying to say "sis" for his sister's but it sounds more like "SSSSSSSSSS" with a lot of drool.
I don't have time to write everything. But for those of you considering foster adopt it is a hard but amazing journey.