I let the phone slip a bit from my fingers only to write down in big letters for my husband to read "THERE WERE TWO BOYS!" He immediately thought he was a twin so I asked birthmom if that was the case and she said no no, two seperate pregnancies. Her memory was unclear as to who was older. I began to take notes and try to help her through the dates. The conversation went very solomn as she just could not put all the information together. I suggested that we go into that subject another night and she agreed that she needed some time. I asked her if that brother is anywhere she is aware of and she said that if it was the boy she saw at the retirement party then that family lives in IL somewhere in the Aurora area. I once again wrote this down for my husband to see and his eyes got big.
I thanked birthmom for the information and asked if we could send some pictures her way. She stated she has no computer but ex hubby does. I agreed to call back the ex hubby and get his email adderess. We decided to take a couple of days to process things and I promised to all back one we got the pictures and she got hers from us. She agreed and promised to try and figure out the dates and information so we could think about finding the other boy.
With a little sadness but a lot of joy I jotted down her address and then called back the ex hubby to start the lines of communication.
The ex hubby answered right away. He had not talked to her and so I told him that my search had proved successful when we confirmed who she was. I asked him if we could email pictures through him to birthmom and he said yes. The most fascinating part was that he had heard the entire story back in the 80's about the two adopted out boys and often wondered about them and how they turned out! He was just as excited if not a little more than us on our progress. We mentioned the "other boy" conversation and he said he would get to the bottom of it and start right away networking with the people that he and birthmom worked with back in IL and get me some information.
We thanked him again for getting a speeding ticket and said our good byes.