Well, here we are. We've made it to the point in our fertility treatments where we're ready to make a decision. A decision that could affect the rest of our lives. Jesse's not 100% done trying yet but I've told him if we lost another pregnancy, I was done trying, as the 1st one nearly put me in my death bed of depression. We found out last Wednesday that I'm pregnant again. But my 48 hour labs that I have had for a week now are showing my hormone levels as being low and this has the doctor concerned. Here we are....facing this nightmare....again.
I'm glad we went to the DHS adoption meeting 2 weeks ago. After studying Dillon International's Korean Adoption information, I decided I didn't want to fight that fight of income, health (which Jesse's isn't good enough for Korea to give us an OK on adopting one of their own), and the years of waiting. I have fallen in love with an African American girl who is 3, at the day treatment facility where I work. I found out 3 weeks ago that she is being released to the state for adoption and that got my mind working. So after speaking to her adoption specialist and then attending that DHS meeting, we're now anxiously awaiting our first home study...and also anxiously awaiting our pregnancy results.