In truth, they really don't understand what it feels like to be adopted.
They don't understand the questions in your head that you wonder about almost every day and can never answer.
Or the fact that your adoption lurks in the background. It is somewhat like a shadow that never speaks.
There are also feelings of being an "outsider" everyday.
Another lack of understanding among people "who don't get it" is why we as adoptees can't move on and forget about the adoption.
I wish we could. No one has been able to provide any direction to do that.
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I can relate. i'm fourty,four years old an i'm an adoptee also. i read your blog post: i know how it feels. sometimes it's hard to even talk about. i know those feelings your talking about. i found out i was adopted when i was in grade school. funny how i found out. i was at school one day and on...