Janell Standley
Elizabeth Howard

I was born in May of 88. I was also adopted through an agency called "princ of peace" adoption agency, through the research ive found that that agency is no longer operating. I was told my bio mom li...
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Hello I am a female 31 years old graduated grew up in Houston my whole life and graduated class of 07. I wanted you to know that I was adopted through prince of peace adoption agency as well in Houston Texas in 1988 my birthday is in late November of 88. It was a closed adoption and I am trying to get my records as well. Since you and I are not very far apart in the adoption process, I wanted you to know that i spoke with a lady who said the records are kept in two different locations. She said to call her next week and she will go down and see if she can find my file there. I will give you the number in a personal message. I’m also not sure if you found any information since you have posted this either. Hope your search is going well!