Hi Kaye, I am working on a masters in communication studies and am also looking to research the phenomenon around secret siblings. I found out that I have an unknown sibling last year and am surprised...
Hello Erin, I have an unpublished masters thesis on the topic. It was a small qualitative study which I would be happy for you to read if you are interested.
That would be fantastic! I am really curious what sources you used - was your masters in psychology? It would be interesting to compare you study with one focusing on communication. I am considering it for my thesis but right now am just going to write a short paper. I am happy to cite your thesis ...
Hello Erin, A pleasure to pass on results of my research. Yes my masters was in clinical psychology. We certainly need further research in this field, I hope my paper inspires you. I'll email it to you today.
Hello! I am also a communications researcher who found out about a secret half sibling last fall. I am currently in a master's program and writing short papers on the subject, hopefully for publicatio...
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