Hello, I am hoping to get some information on step parent adoption here in Florida. My husband is attempting to adopt two of my daughters however their father has not been a good role model and has ha...
Hello, I am hoping to get some information on step parent adoption here in Florida. My husband is attempting to adopt two of my daughters however their father has not been a good role model and has had very little contact with them seminar our separation in 2013. We were never married and he has been in trouble on many aspects with the law. We are in the process of the adoption and he has contested and now paying very minimal in child support he is over 24k in arrears and never paid anything until he was served. He then tried to put in for a paternity hearing that is on hold until the judge rules on adoption. I reached out many times to contact him to establish a relationship with the girls he never wanted to establish visitations like he is asking for now. I’m not sure how the process goes from here but because of his inconsistency and poor excuses as to why he hasn’t been able to establish a relationship with them I feel the judge will honor an opportunity and fail the children once again. Is anyone going through something similar in a contested step parent adoption?