Just a note for military families who use your legal assistance office for notaries. We are in Nebraska and found that if we use a JAG notary( Title 10) vs. a state of NE notary, the apostille fees cost us 1/2 . Your documents will need to be sent to the State Dept. in D.C. w/ 3-5 day turn around, $5/document.
The address to the US Department of State is:
U.S. Department of State
Office of Authentications
518 23rd Street, NW - SA-1
Columbia Plaza
Washington, DC 20520
You can contact them directly or you can hire a professional service to help you. Depending on the country you are adopting from they have different requirements. I had to first get my birth certificate apostilled by a [URL=""]California Apostille Service[/URL] then had to send it to get it Apostille from the US Department of State.
I knew that the the Apostille from the state itself can vary depending on the state you need the Apostille from. I did mine through a company because I couldn't wait forever.
Once I got back the Apostille I sent to a company in Washington DC who did the [URL=""]US State Department Apostille[/URL].
If you don't know what to do just ask. Plenty of people to offer you assistants.