We have a three and a half year old adopted boy who is the joy and light of our lives. We adopted him at 12 months old and are in an open adoption with his bmother.
We have just heard the good news that we have been matched again to another domestic bmother and her 14 month old boy. The pre placement meetings are due to start soon. Naturally we are thrilled and excited but I would really appreciate any advice from adoptive parents of toddlers on how to prepare the first for the arrival of, by all accounts, a very active and independent little second. Our first boy has enjoyed our wholehearted love and affection, practically 100% attention all for himself and is in a typical preschooler possessive phase at the moment with a pretty impulsive temper at times and I am worried that he won't take too kindly to the arrival of his brother! Any suggestions or advice on how to prepare and plan for the new toddler would be greatly appreciated!
my 2y/o's 1/2 sib (who is 9mo) just joined our family and we had little to no notice that she was coming. he was still in his crib. i had a toddler bed, that i was beginning to transition him to, but it was going slowly, unfortunatly when the baby came he had to sleep in it. most nights he ends up with me know, if i would have known, i would have gotten him more used to his new bed. also, my friend who is expecting her 2 brought her 3y/o to a big sibling class at the hosptial and i thought that would be a good idea. i realize it is more about new borns, but i still may check it out for my son. my son loves and hates his sister all at the same time. when she is around he wants her gone but when she is not there he continually asks about her. good luck! have fun!