:) Looking for my half sister, could have been adopted out to a doctor in Karori. Iam female , born in 1965 also adopted out.
Mothers name was Margaret R T-----G from Gisbourne.
she would have been 16 when my half sister was born.
Maybe somebody knows someone born on this date. Last name of mother will be apparent to her from B.C
Hope someone can help:)
Hi Nessy, I have some good news for you. NZ adoption records have been open since 1985.
All you need to do is contact the following Govt address and they will search and do an outreach to your child on your behalf once you fill in their application forms.
Adult Adoption Information Officer
Private Bag 6901
Marion Square
Wellington New Zealand
Tel 917-1155
FAX 918-0029
You will need to obtain the prefix to NZ from wherever you live.
Best Of luck
Origins Inc NSW
:) :)
Thanks for your reply.
However it is my half sister that has been adopted out as I was and I have no right to obtain information about her unless she is looking for me. She will hardly be looking for me because I am born after and am not on her BCand is probably not aware that I exist. I have found my ** but she seems to have FORGOTTEN the hospital where AS born and now for some reason is not being clear about the DOB.
However I now have good reason to believe that she is born in 64.
Hi Nessy,
Have you placed your name on the reunion register at the Department? if your sister comes looking she will know you exist and want to meet her.
Your mother doesn't need to remember your sisters place of birth or her DOB. All she needs to do is give her 'own maiden name' and apply for her other daughters adoption information and the Dept will do an outreach to her (your sis). Matching is done by the code number associated with the mothers name, whihc will match your sisters code.
Many mothers were too traumatised at the time of their child's birth and will have blocked out exact dates, memories etc. But if you have only in recent times found your mother she may be feeling too overwhelmed to cope with another reunion so soon
and may be blocking as her way of having some un/conscious control over the timing of the next one.
Let her know she doesn't need to provide anything but her name.
The Dept will do the rest.
Good luck
well finally my ** decided to write to SW and ask them to search for my half sister. Apparently she is not in NZ (neither am I) but they must have managed to locate the AP and information was sent on.
This was in November 2003. Last week my ** recieved an email from the contact at social welfare. MY half sister needed time to digest everything but is now willing to have contact with our ** through the SW. So now we have a first name for her and I am waiting eagerly as is my ** for her letter to arrive.
For those of you still looking for someone I wish you all the best of luck!