Do any of you have any idea what kind of income requirement agencies will use to approve your homestudy? I know that they state you simply have to earn enough to adequately support a child, but, actually with the cost of daycare that being single necessitates, that's not likely to be an area where you can cut back on expenses.
Are they looking for $40K, $50K, $60K, etc. I know of one single who adopted earning less, but, she does licensed daycare in her own home and has done so before she became a mom, so that's not an expense for her.
PS. I have a career in Human Resources that I'm happy with so I'm not looking for career counseling, just an idea of what income requirements there may be if any.
Each state may be different? In California, as a Single Parent what they look at is can you pay your bills without the Adoption Subsidy regularly, and have money left over to adequately care for a Child?
By regularly also meaning that if the Foster/Adoption Subsidy is late could you still afford to eat and not sleep in your car.
I have Adopted 2 Daughters. I calculate my salary in Children's Services to be upper $20 to mid 30,000.
Adopting as a Single Parent is extremely very doable. You just have to give up things like the $40.00 haircut, or eating out a whole lot.