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Hello there,
I used to teach the English language to children in the orphanage in Russia.The age when the children start to learn English langauge in a Russian average school is 10 years of age.
I am talking about ordinary schools which are ure supported by the state financially. Usually there are two hours of a foreighn language 45 minutes length.
Now I work in the adoption agency helping to adopt orphans from the orphanage where I used to work and when adoptive parents ask me if the children speak English I smile :-) This is not possible to speak fluently if you have only an hour and a half of classes once a week.But the children know the idea of the English grammar and they know everyday life common phrases and it helps them a lot when they happen to be in the language environment.
But the most interesting thing is when children who do not know a word in English start to speak fluent English by the end of the first month. This is a miracle of course and though I have seen it many times with the children who have been adopted I cannot stop admiring at their amazing ability to absorb all the knowledge like sponges. I can only imagine myself being placed into the environment of absolutely unknown language... what would I do? :-) PM me if you want to know about these amazing changes!