I am not sure if this is the right place to post this, but I am hoping that I can get some advice. My ex-husband and his wife of 6 or so years are planning on adopting a baby. They have gone through the entire process and are now just waiting to have a baby placed with them. What can I do to help our son, who is 6, plan for this wonderful event in his dad and step-mom's life? What are things that I can do for my ex and his wife that will let them know that I am truly happy for them and their chance to be parents again? We don't have the best of relationships and I was very saddened when I learned that they couldnd't have children; I am very excited that they have the chance to have a baby of their own through adoption.
As an adoptee and a birthmother myself, I have a pretty intimate understanding of many of the issues surrounding adoption but this latest twist is a new one for me. Any suggestions or advice would be greatly appreciated.
I do not have any expereince with this but I can offer some suggestions. There are many children's books out there that talk about adoption and might help your son. Maybe you could buy a book or 2 and maybe buy 2 coies. Send the 2nd copies to the "other" parents and just write a quick note that says something like "I saw these books in the bookstore and thought they would be great to help (insert son's name) learn about adoption and his new future sibling. I though it would be good if we both have copies so we can share in this great expereince for our son. I am so excited for you to have this great opportunity to bring another little one into our family."
Just a suggestion, but I hope it gives you some ideas!
Good luck!