According to my husband's non-id, his birth mother was in the DePaul Maternity Home in Cleveland Ohio prior to his birth. Does anyone have any information about this maternity home? I have seen a reference to St. Vincent DePaul Infant Maternity Home, but I am not sure if this is the same thing or not. Any help would be appreciated. She would have been in the home from December 1972 to March 1973.
Hi, I can tell you that the home you are asking about is valid. My birth mother and the birth mother of my adopted brother were both staying there when we were born. My brother's birth mother was able to locate him several years ago. She was in the home in 1972. My birth mother would have been there in 1968.
I'm sorry I don't have any more info for you today. I am just beginning my own search for my birth mother.
Good luck to your husband and you in your search!
more than likely the adoption was handled by Catholic Charities. I ordered non-id information from them and received it all on Friday(9/24/2004). It is definately worth the money...I have now found out who my ** is and mailed a letter to her yesterday. I will try and find the name of the contact there, at least you can get enough information from non-id info to know your ethnicity..that was a big thing for me.
here is the number for CC in Cleveland (hopefully it will post) Call them and ask what you need to do to obtain the non-id info. I think I just sent a request to them and they sent me the letter back (that and a check for $50.00 i had to send)
address is: 6753 State Rd Parma Oh 44134
phone# 440-845-7700 (sandra fay is who i spoke with)
good luck, if the names and numbers don't show, pm me and I will send it to you :o)
Hello Sea Turtle:
I know information about DePaul's Maternity Home in Cleveland, Ohio. I used to live there in 1975 and gave birth to my son at that time. 216-534-2725