Both my husband and I just recently filed the official ppwk by ourselves to legally adopt my daughter and his son. My daughter's bio-dad has given notarized consent and this adoption is not my largest concern. We have a court date set for both adoptions however my step-son's bio-mom has fully abandoned him... he is 6 yrs old and she has not attempted contact with him in over 2 yrs and also has never paid any financial support except last year in attempt to not be held in contempt of court for unpaid child support. She now resides in another state and is an alcoholic who is supported by a man who is twice her age and hired her a lawyer last year to fight the child support order. Still with all the efforts she's made to fight child support she has neglected to make contact with her son...who has know me as his mother since he was 2 yrs old. The lawyer that she and her boyfriend hired last year succeeded in allowing the one time $300 child support payment to get her out of the contempt situation and she moved to Connecticut from Colorado. She now has a warrant out for her arrest for non payment and has still had no contact or attempts to contact her son since July of 2001. We know that we have her on abandonment however the withdrawal of counsel that her previous lawyer sent us gave us an address and stated that she was now responsible for handeling the case personally and notifying the courts and concerned parties of her current address. With this information we sent her certified mail of all ppwk filed and also attempted to have her officially served the ppwk that was filed through the dist.court. Because she resides in CT and apparently no longer lives at the given address the State Marshall has not been able to serve her papers. I did receive a call from her stating she would not sign consent unless we agreed to drop all acrued child support. We do not feel her consent is needed, we only need to prove to the courts that she has been notified. I have been informed that the process of notification in that state is over $300 and we cannot afford this amount. With a court date coming up in October what other options do we have...if any? I have researched alot in this area and still need help or advice from anyone who might know. I have her ph# and last known address and have sent certified mail but she has not picked it up from PO yet...