My wife & I were preparing to adopt a beautiful 8 year old asian girl from Kazakhstan. We signed a contract & sent our first payment. The contract sited that if the mentioned child should be adopted by another family, we had several choices that we could make. I questioned this statement with our agency and we were told in writing from our agency that this child would not be shown to anyone else at all. We had signed a contract for this little girl, no one else. We were very reassured. We have INS approval & we were very close to sending our dossier. We found out on July 31, 2003 that this little girl was adopted by another family. We are devasted and completely heartbroken. We decided not to pursue adoption with this agency any further. They kept 1/2 of the first payment as a service fee. This is mentioned in the contract. However, it is against Kazakhstan law to refer a child until physically seen. My point is that what this agency is doing here in the United States may not be correct. We were completely mis-informed. Not a single child from Kazakhstan is put on hold, because referring a child in Kazakhstan is not legal. I confirmed this with the US Embassy in Almaty, Kazakhstan.
Is there anything that we can do to recover the remainder of our money? If this money were going to an orphanage, we would step down. But a service fee. For what? Breaking our hearts?
Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you.